Раздел теста TOEFL Speaking включает 6 вопросов: два вопроса по общим темам и четыре интегрированных задания.
Типы вопросов по секции TOEFL Speaking:
- Не интегрированные вопросы: Experiences, Preferences.
- Интегрированные вопросы: Reports, Examples (после прочтения текста и аудирования); Problems, Summaries (после аудирования).
В рамках первых двух заданий необходимо высказать свое мнение на общие темы. В этой части проверяется умение человека говорить спонтанно (без подготовки), логически выстраивать речь, аргументировать позицию.
Следующие задания требуют от экзаменуемого прочитать небольшой текст, прослушать лекцию или диалог о жизни на кампусе, а затем ответить на вопрос, который предполагает понимание всей полученной ранее информации из текста и аудиозаписи. В этой части секции проверяется умение анализировать, синтезировать и комбинировать информацию. Экзаменуемый может делать пометки во время чтения и прослушивания записи. Устные ответы экзаменуемого записывается через микрофон на компьютер, а затем отсылаются в центр ETS для проверки и оценки.
Пример задания TOEFL Speaking:
Задание «Баллады»
Прочитайте короткий текст. Время на чтение: 45 секунд.
A ballad is a poem that tells a story and is sung to music. Usually the story is of unknown origin, and a number of versions may be found for one song, a characteristic that stems from the oral tradition. As the song is passed on from one singer to another, a word is added or changed, or a slight alteration is made in the tune. In short, ballads represent a living tradition that evolves as the song is performed and passed to the next musician. A collection of ballads has been preserved in written form in the volume English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child, and many ballads are still referred to by their “Child number”.
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There are countless versions of the ballad of “Barbara Allen”, and although it probably originated in the British Isles, versions are found not only in the British colonies but also in many other countries, including Italy and several countries in Scandinavia. In fact, there are almost 100 versions in the United States alone. But, uh, the version that I’m going to play for you today is the traditional Child Ballad number 84 from the reference English and Scottish Popular Ballads. In it, the narrative tells the story of Barbara Allen and the young man who fell in love with her. After Barbara Allen rejects him, he dies of unrequited love. And the day after his funeral, Barbara Allen dies of regret. They are buried beside each other in the churchyard, and a red rose grows from his grave. A briar grows from her grave… uh, that’s a thorny bush… And as they twine around each other… the rose and the thorn… they form a lover’s knot. So we see that the lovers who were not united in life are together in death. The music is repetitive, like most ballads, and also important to identifying it as a ballad, the second and the fourth lines of each four-line stanza rhyme.
Define a ballad, and then explain why “Barbara Allen can be classified as a ballad.
Время на подготовку: 30 секунд
Время для записи ответа: 60 секунд
Возможный вариант ответа:
A ballad is, and I’m quoting here, “a poem that tells a story and is sung to music”. Characteristic of most ballads is th rhyming of the second and forth lines. And usually ballads are part of oral tradition, which, uh, it means that over th years, the song is revised as it’s passed down from one musician to another. Some popular ballads have been written down and uh, assigned a … assigned a number in reference book by … Child. Now, “Barbara Allen” is classified as a ballad because it tells a story about lovers who were not united in life but are joined symbolically in death by the rose and the thorn on their graves. The second and fourth lines of the song rhyme, and many versions of it are found around the world. One version is listed in the Child reference as number 84. So you see, “Barbara Allen” is not only a ballad. It’saverypopularone.
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