Москва, улица Красина, дом 27, строение 2,
подъезд 2, 4 этаж, М. Маяковская

Эссе: Who or what?

Эссе: Who or what?

Question: What/who has been the single most influential event/person in your life to date? Why?

Working at the [deleted] laboratories in Switzerland, as a research student, was a fantastic experience in every dimension. It has impacted a number of key decisions including my choice of career path and my desire to live and study further overseas.

I began to appreciate the cultural differences between Australians and the Swiss people that I met. In their society the respect shown for intellectual effort and the systems put in place to support this are demonstrably far superior to those in Australia. As a consequence, the general quality of the scientist and the quality of the work they produced were significantly higher.

Their strong economy enabled them to allocate a high amount to social services for the unemployed and underprivileged members of their society. This in turn improved everybody's quality of life. With my passion for human rights and social equity, this sparked a realisation in me that Australia may be able to do some things better.

My experience in Switzerland also affected the way I thought about research and my role in research when I returned to Australia. The contrast between the research communities, and the quality of the facilities available was quite stark. I particularly noticed that my colleagues in Australia were spending far more time making do and far less time thinking than their European counterparts.

I was impressed with my ability to achieve significant steps in my research by managing people, rather than necessarily carrying out the experimental procedures. I realized that my core skills were not best suited to a career as a research chemist, and that management could provide the challenges that I sought. This has inspired me to seek the best the world has to offer in my graduate management studies, through this application to the London Business School.

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