В каждом человеке есть что-то уникальное. И кандидат в бизнес школу должен доказать приемной комиссии свою уникальность и показать, какое влияние она окажет на его одногруппников...
Question: Each of our applicants is unique. Describe how your background, values, academics, activities, and/or leadership skills will enhance the experiences of other Kellogg students. (One to two pages double spaced).
Southern Traditions
Since before the Civil War, Southerners have been a controversial lot, which was recently demonstrated by a renewed Confederate Flag debate sparked by Democratic Presidential hopeful, Howard Dean. Despite the somewhat negative connotation, the "Bible Belt" was a very positive place for me to grow up. Southerners are raised under the influence of strong traditions of hospitality, etiquette, and family, among others. These attributes have come to be as connected to the South as grits and sweet tea, and they help to explain why I will contribute to the experience of other Kellogg students.
Southerners are hospitable by nature, always willing to host the event at their house or at least ensure that everyone is comfortable. Hospitality is an important element in both school and business settings. If admitted to Kellogg, I will be true to my heritage of hospitality. I will be the student encouraging camaraderie and fostering the "Kellogg spirit". Another attribute associated with the South is etiquette; proper etiquette is not only encouraged. For the most part it is required. In the South, children are taught to call even their mother and father "ma'am" and "sir." Certainly to some this seems like excessive formality, however, as far as I can tell, good manners never hurt anyone. Even more importantly, my good manners speak to the "soft skills" valued by Kellogg. In the South, family is important, which is perhaps why so many Southern women never make it into the business world in the first place. I hope to be part of a new trend of Southern women who successfully combine the traditional child-raising role with a career. I can't imagine that I could be happy doing anything else. Women who want to assume both roles must become better at juggling the demands of each and at identifying resources that will allow doing so.
Ultimately, growing up as a Southerner has instilled in me the desire to be sociable, to facilitate relationship-building among friends and colleagues, and to respect all individuals for their unique perspectives and situations. I believe the Southern attributes I have acquired will enable me to add a great deal to the experience of my classmates and to Kellogg's "team-learning" approach.
Honors College
My undergraduate academic experience is a bit atypical of a Kellogg applicant and it gives me the advantage of a fresh perspective from which other Kellogg students will benefit. I attended the Honors College at a state university primarily because it allowed me to experience the diversity and resources of a major university, while exposing me to incredibly bright students and faculty in an intimate setting. Selective admission into the Honors College is comparable to many top tier schools, with requirements of 1300 or better on the SAT and ranking in the top 5% of one's high school class. The curriculum was rigorous but I made it all the more so by pursuing two majors (Finance and Marketing) and a minor (German). I carefully balanced my business majors with liberal arts classes.
In addition to my many business and German classes, I took unique Honors College courses to make me even more well-rounded. "The Artist's Experience," allowed Honors Students to try their hands at various artistic techniques and then culminated in an art gallery-touring trip to New York. "Suicide and Literature" was an Honors seminar which examined the impact of artists' depression on their work. Knowledge from my "Wine & Spirits" class has made me the "Sommelier" of company social outings. The diversity of my college curriculum gives me a unique perspective on academics and the educational experience. It has made me a person who looks beyond the traditional for learning experiences. My passion for learning, reflected throughout, is also why I want to pursue Kellogg's two-year program rather than the one-year program. I will make the most of my time at Kellogg, and to the extent I can, I will enhance the experience of my peers by exuding my sincere enthusiasm for the program.
"If you're not the lead dog, the scenery never changes." People who know me could probably mistake the saying for one of my favorites, as I have rarely been involved in an activity that I didn't have a hand in leading. However, I have learned that one can not be blinded by the literal meaning set forth in this saying. Far too often, I have found myself among people who clearly fear not being the "Lead Dog." In these situations, everyone participating is overzealous, striving to prove that his idea is the best. Part of being a true leader, however, is knowing when to lead and when to let others take the lead.
Because of my leadership and communication abilities, I was selected by my office's Community Lead Partner to serve as one of only two consultants from my office on a regional committee. When this team met for the first time, I saw young leaders suffering from the "Lead Dog" syndrome. While these company standouts were vying for the spotlight, the meeting objectives were becoming obscured. The "Lead Dog" syndrome can be overcome, but only if people insist upon reaching a certain level of maturity and unselfishness. I am confident that my work and college experiences have given me this sense of maturity, allowing me to worry less about which "dog" I am and think more about how my leadership abilities can work for the good of the team.
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