Москва, улица Красина, дом 27, строение 2,
подъезд 2, 4 этаж, М. Маяковская

Эссе в бизнес школу: Ваш вклад

Эссе в бизнес школу: Ваш вклад

Question: Discuss your involvement in a community or extracurricular organization, including an explanation of how you became involved in the organization and how you helped the organization meet its goals.

I am currently involved in a community service organization sponsored by my company, Ernst & Young, called the “One-To-One Mentoring Program.” I learned about the organization from other people at Ernst & Young involved in the program. The goal of the program is to develop a relationship between a member of the Ernst & Young community and a high school student from the Bronx.

These students do not have much direction, nor do they have an abundance of opportunities. Many of them come from single-family homes with very little money. The program is voluntary on their end as well as ours, which makes the relationship one of choice from the very beginning. As present members of the working community, we are to share our experiences with the students and try to motivate them to continue on in their education. In addition, we are to be a friend who will listen to any of their problems or concern.

My current mentee is a sophomore who is bright but lacks motivation. I try to stress to him the importance of doing other activities after school, where he can make new friends and strive for additional goals. I also explain to him how important it is to complete his education. I use my own experiences in high school to help make him realize the importance of achieving goals. His grades have begun to improve, and he has started to look for part-time employment after school. In this respect I believe I have helped in meeting certain goals of the organization as our mentor/mentee relationship continues to strengthen.

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