Москва, улица Красина, дом 27, строение 2,
подъезд 2, 4 этаж, М. Маяковская

Эссе в бизнес школу: Путешествие по стране

Эссе в бизнес школу: Путешествие по стране

Кого бы вы взяли с собой в долгое путешествие по стране? Чем обусловлен ваш выбор? Обоснуйте свою точку зрения приемной комиссии бизнес школы.

QUESTION: What three people would you take along with you on a cross-country road trip?

Choosing three people to take along with me on a cross-country road trip is not an easy decision. I've considered everyone from childhood friends to fascinating people I long to meet. It will be a long trip so my passengers must be able to provide interesting conversation and be able to interact with each other well. Most importantly, they must be adventurous because I am determined to make this an incredible, memory-filled road trip.

My first choice has to be my best friend from college, [deleted]. We met nearly seven years ago at [deleted] and have been friends ever since. The thing I cherish about our friendship is that our relationship has continued to grow since graduation. We live in different towns, so we've learned to truly appreciate our phone calls and the time we do get to spend together. We took a road-trip to [deleted] last summer and we've recently vacationed in [deleted], so I know we are compatible travelers. However, that's not the real reason I'm taking [deleted] with me. I've chosen her because she is a phenomenal person who challenges me, teaches me, and always makes me laugh. She has an incredibly strong will and sharp tongue, as every good redhead should. Her honesty and boldness caught me off guard when we first met, but I quickly came to respect those characteristics the most. She has a good heart, and she is the first person I go to for advice about life. I am amazed at her ability to understand people as soon as she meets them. Her insight has taught me a great deal about people. Lastly, when she's not busy with her 9-to-5 job, she is pursuing a career in stand-up comedy. So I'm sure that her humor and quick wit will create comical and memorable moments throughout our trip.

As I continue to contemplate whom I want to ride along with me, it becomes very clear that my next choice has to be Dad. My father passed away two years ago from cancer after four years of treatments and suffering. Needless to say, I miss him dearly. I learned so much from Dad in the years that he was healthy. I feel very lucky to have had a loving and nurturing father. He blessed us with his gentleness and strength. Dad worked many years on the family farm. After succeeding in the agricultural field, he sold the farm and ventured into a sales career. Within a few years he was the top salesman at [deleted]. He was a hard worker and was very meticulous in his routines, and I laugh because I now find myself doing things exactly how he would've done them.

Dad's successes are admirable, but it was his charisma that drew people to him. Then they inevitably fell in love with his kindness, charm, and humor. When I run into his old friends they always have a story about Dad that makes me laugh and admire him even more. I would love to hear those stories directly from him, and I ache to share with him stories from my life. I love the thought of being able to take a cross-country road trip with Dad. He taught me so much in my younger years, and I can't imagine the wisdom he could share with me now. I was blessed with a wonderful father, and I would be so grateful to spend a few more days with him.

With one more seat left in the car, I've decided to invite Jimmy Buffett. Why, you ask? Well, why not? I've been a fan of this tropical singer for almost ten years now. I adore his music, his attitude, and his success. He's an adventuresome risk taker who has always followed his dreams and therefore experienced amazing things. The stories he will tell will certainly entertain us. Furthermore, I assume that it is always beneficial to have a celebrity on board!

I'm excited to begin our road trip because the passengers that I have assembled guarantee ample entertainment and enjoyment. I am also thrilled to know that we are a very functional team as well. With our diversity of personalities and skills we will be able to be quite proficient in our travels. I've amassed the group and will set a rough agenda for the trip. [Deleted] and I are talented enough to logically plan spontaneous fun! Dad will keep us on track, and he will design the most efficient route possible. Lastly, Jimmy's adventuresome nature will lead us to amazing places. Interesting conversations and multitudes of laughter will no doubt fill our car as we travel across the country, and I'm sure that we will learn as much about ourselves as we do about each other.

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