Будущему студенту Judge Business School Университета Кембриджа пришлось рассказать о своих неудачах. Напряжение, страх, отторжение и унижение, сплетни... Как вы думаете, что положительного можно извлечь из этого негатива в бизнес школе?
Question: Describe a project or a piece of work in which you have been involved since university, which you found difficult or which did not go well. What did you learn from this experience and what would you have done differently in retrospect?
At [Company 1], nearly everyone in the company had a tense, almost adversarial relationship with the woman who produced the films we developed. We reported to her directly, and all of our input on particular projects was hers to judge and critique. She did not believe in constructive criticism. As a result, I found myself timid to introduce new writers and projects to her for fear of a rather harsh rejection by her. When we implemented a new policy in which each member of the company was forced to submit a number of new writers and projects that we believed to be the promising "up-and-comers" in Hollywood on a regular basis, several writers sprang to mind that had written quirky scripts very far out of the mainstream.
When the time came for the first company meeting to discuss each of the projects that we had submitted to our boss, I chose to present a safe bet – scripts that had already been purchased by film studios. In fact, one of them is currently in theaters in the United States under the name Cold Creek Manor, starring Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone. I took what I believed to be the safe route, because I found it difficult to stand up to the head of my company with a riskier idea. As a result, I was publicly sсewered for my lack of original thought.
Perhaps I would have suffered the same tongue-lashing had I chosen a project that a believed in, rather than one that I knew others had already taken a chance on, but at least then I would have felt that I didn't capitulate out of fear of rejection. In retrospect, I should have presented the scripts I was passionate about, even if I knew my boss hated them. This experience helped me to realize that I cannot present ideas solely because I think that others will like them – in future meetings I presented material I explicitly believed in to much better results.
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